A successful trader has a systematic way to anticipate the future price action of an asset based on the momentary price constellation.
Not successful traders are reactive and start to enter a happening when it is right at the point where it ends, reverses and takes your money.
If this happens to you and your account balance is telling the truth; consider, if you are not making a change, your results will not change either and you have a high likelihood of losing all you have.
Make a difference:
The following example shows the TradeColors.com concept painting opportunities for a swing trader, who only wanted to go long:
AAPL 4-Hour TradeColors.com Chart (four wins)

TradeColors.com is our introductory concept to algorithmic; activity based trading: spotting and following institutional money moves. It even allows you to upgrade to other NeverLossTrading systems, getting your tuition acknowledged.
NeverLossTrading systems offer you three key instruments, helping you to turn yourself into the trader you want to be:
- High probability systems that repetitively paint institutional price action on your chart, inviting you with buy- or sell signals to participate.
- One-on-one training suited to your wants and needs at your available times: learning class room style is inefficient and after years of school and college you barely get paid for the amount of investments made. All recorded so you can repeat the learned over and over.
- Executive teaching from a success coach, experienced in bringing the best out of people, giving focus, sharing concepts, providing calculations and documentations in month-long mentorships to ensure you are on the right path.
NLT 1-Hour Top-Line for a Futures Trader (three wins in 24-hours)

Download your concept write up to understand how our systems can make a difference for you:
If you cannot see the charts, click here to read this article as a blog post…click.
NeverLossTrading systems measure the activity of institutional investors and we do not most ingenious, we trade along with the move, from where it starts, to where it ends; only accepting little risk and aiming for what we call explosive breakouts that pay us along the price move.
We are a primer education institution with focus on one-on-one training, were you and your wants and needs are in focus.
To be part of this, schedule your personal consulting hour:
Call +1 866 455 4520 or contact@NeverLossTrading.com
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Good trading,