When leaders lead and followers jump on what they identify the leaders intend to do, then gate keepers will control the door with a constant aim to better their own situation.
Does that sound familiar?
The financial markets work that way:
Prop-Traders lead the pack with their analysis of what assets to be long or short in.
The action of the Prop-Traders creates a first indication of a change in supply and demand, our indicators measure and when early followers enter in the spotted direction, we trade.
From the beginning, we know that Gatekeepers will aim to change the situation in their favor by trading against the predominate direction and this rebalances their inventories.
Let us look how this is expressed on a chart:
We choose a TradeColors.com chart and highlight inventory rebalancing points, where prices go the opposite way for a little before they go up or down:
Chart-1: AAPL Daily TradeColors.com Chart

Let us now highlight in an orange square trade setup that leads to a trade entry by following the rules of our system: A setup is built by two-new-same-color candles in a sequence; however, we only accept a trade if the high of the second-blue-candle or the low of the second-red-candle is surpassed by the following candle.
We trade for a maximum of five candles of the same color sequence or take our exit at the approximated price distance of the setup, which is announced on the left corner of our chart.
In addition, we do not hold over earnings.
Simple rules and here is the setup how it worked on the chart:
Chart-2: AAPL Daily TradeColors.com Chart with Trade Setups

When we followed those rules and mechanically traded from the chart, this would be the outcome:
- Winning trades: 5 or 71%
- Losing trades: 1 or 14.5%
- Scratch trades: 1 or 14.5%
If you are not trading at such attainment level, feel invited to join the circle of NeverLossTrading, while we need to comply to SEC regulations and share with you, that past performance cannot always be taken indicative for future results.
TradeColors.com is our entry level program, and if you decide to start here, you can always upgrade to a higher level system; getting your paid tuition acknowledged at the upgrade.
Here is an overview of the different systems and mentorships, we offer…click.
If you see a fit for what you want to achieve in your trading, please do not hesitate for a live, free of charge demonstration.
Call: +1 866 455 45520 or contact@NeverLossTrading.com
Take a look at the evaluation of the individual trades, highlighted by the system:
Chart-2: AAPL Daily TradeColors.com Chart with Trade Setups

TradeColors.com is just the beginning. We only teach one-on-one; hence capacities are limited, so do not miss out:
Call: +1 866 455 45520 or contact@NeverLossTrading.com
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We are looking forward to hearing back from you,
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