Are you used to:
- work hard
- think fast
- and you make sure that you get things right
Unfortunately, those attributes are not very supportive for being successful in trading:
Your brain - your emotions - provide you with stock piles or patterns, conditions, assumptions that are good for life but not for trading, holding you back from being the king of your trading empire.
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In addition, most systems provide you with low probability trade setups at or below 55% predictability. Let us give you a short overview, comparing the probability for a positive outcome in 10-trades of a trading system with 75%, 65%, and 55% predictability

The expected outcome on 55% predictability is random and will not get you where you want to be and you have the chance better your odds of winning.
If you make the change to higher predictability you bend the odds in your favor; however there are more components needed for successful trading and we are ready to share those with you; helping you by sharing in our systems clear cut rules of how to act on price move indications.
To ensure a change, we practice with you to get you out of your own way, giving you a clear cut action plan and financial plan to follow.

What does this chart below show you?
Let us give you some answers:
- The system colors up moves in blue.
- Down moves are indicated by red candles.
- Some candles highlight Buy> or Sell< price thresholds.
- Dots signify the expected price move to target.
- Horizontal red bars show the stop level.
The chart shows the daily price development of crude oil futures for one month.
Had you had known an acted at the highlighted price move indication the following would have happened:
- You participated in four trades, winning three.
- You exited your trade either at the target do or at the close of the third bar in the trade.
- You dedicated $3,000 of margin to the trade.
- You could have followed the price move with either the future or a related ETF or Options.
- The following chart shows the outcome of the trades.
Daily NeverLossTrading Trend Catching Crude Oil Futures Chart

By following the trade rules, a gain of $2,910 was achieved: a 97% return on invested capital in one month.
Surely, our systems work for all asset classes: Stocks, Options, Futures, and FOREX.
We custom fit our systems to your individual wants and needs, teaching one-on-one.
If you are serious and dedicated to learn how to operate with a high probability trading system, ask us for a personal demonstration:
Call: +1 866 455 4520 or
To subscribe to our FREE trading tips, webinars, and reports…click here.
We are looking forward to hearing back from you,
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