Dear Fellow Trader,
The fact alone that you are interested in trading tells me:
- You most likely belong to a group of people who been successful in something else than trading in your life.
- You are somehow interested in money; however, you have not found the right key yet that opens the magic vault for you.
- You have a very wide choice of systems, actions, ideas, where you get told that it is easy to produce income from trading; however, you are not there yet.
If trading was simple, you would constantly make money on a Bollinger Band bounce, a MACD-, Stochastic-, Moving Average crossing, on a Squeeze, and many others; however, this is not the fact. Programming those relations takes less than 30-minutes and a robot could trade them; hence, there has to be more to master trading, else everybody would already be rich.
In the following, we show you a system we are now launching, which shall help experienced and new traders to identify price turning points:
Chart-1: NLT TurnPoint Trading

This is where we invite you to a more complex way of trading, while your actions will be simple, considering the following:
- A Markov chain to detect when prices move from one stage to another.
- Chaos theory to display repetitive, fractal developments on multiple time frames.
- Filtering technology to separate signal from noise: preferred to not-preferred setups.
Math is the science we use to translate the natural model of changes in supply and demand into something predictable: Institutional investments stand for more than 85% of all market happenings and help us to make the price action predictable.
In this publication, we share examples of our latest development: NLT TurnPoint Trading; however, we offer multiple systems: Take a look and let us know if you like more information on the one or other system that suits you best…click.
Call: +1 866 455 4520 or
Chart-2: AAPL Daily Chart, May 13 – 27, 2016

On the chart, you see two confirmed directional price move, where the average duration in a trade is five bars (including entry). Directional confirmation is given, when the spelled out price threshold is surpassed in the next candle, which was the endorsement for both Buy> setups.
Why is that?
When institutional leaders take action, other market participants notice this and act. When a new price direction develops and is confirmed by the price action of other institutional investors, it is time to participate in a directional trade:
The action of one, leads to the action of another. This is why we call our model activity based trading. It follows a natural model, using computers to determine and follow underlying price action.
The NeverLossTrading programs are not auto trading systems: the final decision is yours and we share with you how to balance the power of the human mind with the power of data analysis. All NLT programs run on a server with real time and you can operate them from a trading computer or on a laptop at any place with internet connection.
If you are not already part of our free trading tips, reports, and webinars…sign up here.
For more information: Call: +1 866 455 4520 or
Read below, how to benefit from confirmed directional price moves:
Chart-3: NeverLossTrading Price Move Model

In a simple summary: with the help of multiple algorithms, pre-stages of a change in supply and demand that might lead to a directional price move are detected and dissected; however, trades are not immediately accepted, other market participants have to confirm the new price direction and only when this is given, a trade or an investment is accepted.
Chart-4: S&P E-Mini Futures May 27, 2016 from 12:40 p.m. to Closing on 20-Minutes

Using real time data, NeverLossTrading algorithms paint the happening of Now, with the help of modern vector graphics on your chart, helping you to easily spot and follow supply and demand patterns that repeat themselves based on the happening of NOW: for all asset classes and all considerable time-, tick- or range-frames and is applied by day traders, swing traders and long-term investors.
We are in business since 2008 and teach one-on-one, focusing on your wants and needs.
If you like what you see, check our offering and let us know if you like a free demonstration of a system that best suits your needs: Call: +1 866 455 4520 or
We are looking forward to hearing back from you and like to support you in making a difference in and with your trading.
Good trading,
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regards to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, financial advice, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
Following the rules of the SEC (Security Exchange Commission), we advise all readers that it should not be assumed that present or future performance of applying NeverLossTrading (a division of Nobel Living, LLC) would be profitable or equal the performance of our examples. The reader should recognize that the risk of trading securities, stocks, options, futures can be substantial. Customers must consider all relevant risk factors, including their own personal financial situation before trading. In our teaching of NeverLossTrading, in our books, newsletters, webinars and our involvement in the Investment Clubs, neither NOBEL Living, LLC, the parent company of NeverLossTrading, nor any of the speakers, staff or members act as stockbrokers, broker dealers, or registered investment advisers. We worked out trading concepts we use on a daily basis and share them through education with our readers, members, and clients.
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