After Berkshire Hathaway Inc. declared horrible earnings last May 2, 2020, our long-term investors asked us about investment opportunities in 2020. Trading the markets day-by-day, we are wondering about the hype of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Comparing BRK/B to SPY shows, from the end of December 2019 to May 1, 2020, BRK/B was underperforming the SPY (ETF of the S&P 500 Index).
SPY Compared to BRK/B on a Daily Chart, December 2019 to May 1, 2020 So why would you want to put your money where the fund manager cannot outperform the index?
In essence, learn to trade and invests with a high probability system, then you have the chance to outperform the index. The choice is yours!
Helping our clients to find future investment opportunities, we put together a list of prospects, while on today’s basis, market conditions are pre-mature to invest in those. However, a good investor is prepared when the right conditions arrive.
Following the NeverLossTrading principles, we want a confirmed trading signal on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Then and only then will we be ready to take a position.
Another question we were asked: If one does not want to invest in one single stock but rather into a family of the same shares through one type of investment, which ETF would we choose?
Making it simple, we put our opinion into the following table: For the week fo May 4, 2020, our NLT Alerts spelled out multiple short opportunities too, and we are ready to act, condition to confirmed signals.
By the NLT principle, we will only trade when other market participants react to the observed change in supply or demand, by driving the price to the level of our pre-spelled out price threshold. When this happens, buy-stop or sell-stop orders will be executed, and our offer goes to an exchange or limit orders in case of working with options.
Just write us an email with the Subj: Free NLT Stock Alert, include a legit name, and you will find the NLT Stock Alerts in your inbox.
All our decisions are chart based, where price thresholds spell out the opportunity for you. AAPL Monthly NLT Top-Line Chart: October 2017 to April 2020 You see five highlighted situations that we analyzed: Watch the video for further details and
Trade as mechanical as possible with clear cut rules.
For getting those charts and learning to participate in such opportunities:
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