On May 4th, 2020, we published an article highlighting seven trading opportunities that pointed to the upside.

Had you invested along with our indications the following would have happened
- AMZN, no trade, direction not confirmed
- AAPL, a gain of 7.4% in three weeks
- QQQ, gain of 5.4% when trading the stock.
- ABBV, gain of 8.7% when trading the stock.
- OKTA, gain of 21% when trading the stock.
- CIEN, no trade, direction not confirmed.
- GME: No trade, upside direction not confirmed.
Here is a link to the article: 2020 Growth Stocks by NeverLossTrading
Our Questions:
- Did you achieve similar results?
- Do you have a trade finder, providing you with those opportunities?
We take our directional indications from the NeverLossTrading Alerts.
The basis of our directional price indications are algorithms that measure underlying changes in supply and demand. At each signal, we spell out a price threshold and only trade when this price threshold is surpassed in the next candle. This was the case for AAPL, QQQ, ABBV, OKTA, but not for AMZN, CIEN, GME.
Aside from finding trading opportunities, do you operate rule-based, or is success rather a random component in your trading?
We are in the trading and investing education business for more than ten years, helping clients to operate with a system, apply appropriate strategies, manage risk, repair trades, hedge positions, and more.
If you want to be part of this, schedule your personal consultation hour and let us know what you want to achieve to provide you a tailor-made program.
In our years of educating, we did not work with two traders who received the same program.
Risk tolerance, affinity to instruments, time for trading, and many more variables require one-on-one teaching and education for being able to follow a business plan to trading success.
If this is for you:
Call +1 866 455 4520 or contact@NeverLossTrading.com
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We are looking forward to hearing back from you,
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