In our effort to find trading opportunities and institutional price moves, we developed indicators and scanners that tell us the underlying happening of investments or investment changes in the financial markets.

At the end of the day, May 3, 2021, the NeverLossTrading market scanners picked up an additional demand for gold and gold mining companies.

Price developments of the commodity gold can be traded in multiple ways:
- Futures Contracts (/GC, /MGC)
- Options on GLD
The usual way of trading for a price move of the underlying asset is to check a time-based development.
/GC on the NLT Daily Chart, March 19 to May 4, 2021

Let us analyze the four trade situations highlighted, starting from the current situation and going back.
Situation-4: On May 3, 2021, the NLT Power Tower indicates a potential up move for the Gold Futures Contract with 1-SPU of $20.90, when the Price Threshold of Buy > $1,798.90 is surpassed in the price development of the next candle. Hence, we expect a value change of the underlying contract of $2,090 when coming to target. However, at the publication stage, the directional price move was not confirmed by May 4, 2021. Following our rules, we do not enter into a long directional trade until we receive confirmation.
Situation-3: 4/15/2021 the indication of Buy > $1,770.60 was confirmed in the price movement of the next candle and came to target on 4/21/2021. We disregard additional signals when being in a trade.
Situation-2: The buy signal was not confirmed, and we neglected the sell signal right after (an NLT no-trade rule, you learn in our mentorships).
Situation-2: Sell < $1.705.60 was surpassed in the price movement of the next candle and lead to a short trade to target (dot on the chart): $1,682.70.
Time-based setups might show unfavorable risk/reward correlations when the signal occurs on a highly expanded candle. To cope with this challenge, we developed the NLT Timeless Setups, and the chart for the same period looks as follows:
/GC on the NLT Daily Chart, March 19 to May 4, 2021

Situation-4: On April 13, 2021, the NLT Trend Catching Signal with a price threshold of Buy > $1,784.50 is surpassed in the price development of the next candle, and we expect a value change of the underlying contract of about $2,000 when coming to target. The price move was confirmed, and the trade came to target. At the current stage of the price development, we have no trade indication.
Situation-3: No trade at candle #5, and no trade at intra-momentum pullbacks. Details, we teach in our mentorships.
Situation-2: The buy signal was confirmed and came to target in the price development of the next day.
Situation-2: Sell < $1.714.5 was surpassed in the price movement of the next candle and lead to a short trade to target (dot on the chart)
Two different ways of approaching trade situations: both are suitable, valid and taught in our mentorship programs, where we teach one-on-one, with a focus on your specific goals, wants, and needs.
A Quick tip: buyers and sellers move the market; whoever has the upper hand moves the market in their direction. Hence, we developed the lower study: NeverLossTrading Balance of Power Indicator: It shows buyers in command when blue bars dominate and sellers in charge when red bars dominate. A confirming indicator for the action on the price chart. In any case, we want to simplify life for you, and the charts define:
- Entry Conditions: Execute buy-stop or sell-stop orders at pre-defined price thresholds at assumed probability
- Exit Condition: When is the target reached
- Stop Condition: When are you wrong and exit
- Risk Management: Risk limiting and risk-adjusted by considering the Relation of (Entry – Exit) / (Entry – Stop)
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NLT Learning Program Overview

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